воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aamir khans new trimmed look

The main reason I donapos;t take part in a lot of anti-misogynist campaigning is because if I spend more than 5 minutes reading about the massive amount of prejudice out there against women I start to feel suicidally depressed or at the very least tempted to self-harm.

You could accuse me of not being able to "hack" it in the real world.

I donapos;t know how anyone else manages it. When you read that 1/3 of people think rape is justified if a woman is drunk? Hello, is a mugging justified if a bloke is walking home drunk on his own - I know men who have been mugged in this manner.

I donapos;t see the point in trying, I gave up on any kind of political activism years ago, because I couldnapos;t cope with being constantly aware of how shitty things are, and people seem to be in large numbers, generally.

So I pretend itapos;s not there and make jokes, so as not to have to think about it.

How do the rest of you, who are politically active, cope?

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