воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aamir khans new trimmed look

The main reason I donapos;t take part in a lot of anti-misogynist campaigning is because if I spend more than 5 minutes reading about the massive amount of prejudice out there against women I start to feel suicidally depressed or at the very least tempted to self-harm.

You could accuse me of not being able to "hack" it in the real world.

I donapos;t know how anyone else manages it. When you read that 1/3 of people think rape is justified if a woman is drunk? Hello, is a mugging justified if a bloke is walking home drunk on his own - I know men who have been mugged in this manner.

I donapos;t see the point in trying, I gave up on any kind of political activism years ago, because I couldnapos;t cope with being constantly aware of how shitty things are, and people seem to be in large numbers, generally.

So I pretend itapos;s not there and make jokes, so as not to have to think about it.

How do the rest of you, who are politically active, cope?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bloomingdale shopping center mall

Itapos;s morning and itapos;s cold out. I am behind on my f-list comments and messages.� I�had a rip roaring headache last night from the cold front pushing in and went to bed at 9pm (missed The Soup *tear*) woke up at 3am went back to sleep at 600am and just woke up.� So, I�will get back to you soon as possible.� Also, Iapos;m making a ginormous batch of Heroes and Supernatural icons that I�will have up later today.� Iapos;ve already cut them but I have to cap them.� I love making icons.� Could you tell?

Anyways...everybody have a terrific Saturday and here is some pretty to wake you up

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decode tv

My grades are like not what i expected it to be. It is�seems far from my own expectation. Am i not working hard enough? Or am i doing things the wrong way?

Nothing seems to be right these days, i am getting lesser and lesser motivated in doing things, becase it does not seem to be going to way i wanted it to be. Maybe sis is right about not having expectations for people, becuase it will only be me that is going to care about them.

i never say hi today

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boone county missouri court

Iapos;ve been working on Thomas Pageapos;s 1746 Broadsword manual for a while now, comparing it with later�broadsword�works,�I am convinced that Page was exposed to some form of Highland method before he joined the Norwich Artillery Company.�

The �apos;equilibrioapos; hand movement works well with a 3lb broadsword and plywood targe. While the experience Iapos;ve had with the�footwork of German Longsword has�also assisted in the interpretation of Pageapos;s stances - which many have described as an older medieval style.

One of the unusual aspects of Pageapos;s work is the technique called apos;Gormanapos;s Throwapos; which I hadnapos;t seen anywhere - until recently - when I�came across�an illustration�showing a similiar�medieval technique in�an obscure version�of Talhofferapos;s work

Possible source for the�Scottish Halflang longsword?
Iapos;ll need to try it out...... ; )

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cheap rapid prototyping

Today I began a new unit at my internship--Trauma. �I was excited to begin something new because I felt like I learned all I could in Eating Disorders.� I went to the morning meeting and then headed back to work for the morning.� As I have written before, I�am co-teaching an exploratory class on Claymation with Sheila.� Today which watched various clips of claymation movies and shorts made by others.� One of them is featured below and now Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen is recorded in my brain.

In the afternoon, I went back to the Trauma unit. As i was heading into group, I�saw three non-patients sitting on a couch...and one of them looked familiar.� I stared and then realized it was my cousin� We were both surprised to see each other there and so caught up on what we were doing.� She is on her six week nursing rotation for physicals there.� I talked with she and her nursing colleagues and then the group began.� After group got out, there was nothing trauma related for me to do yet and the usual person I had been working with did not have much of a caseload for me to work on.� I began working on my "research" project--examining the recidivism rate of the psych hospital.� It was nice to be self-directed for a while and I look forward to doing more work on my own.

Perhaps it was the combination of seeing my cousin and the leaves turning colors, but I felt the urge to watch Hocus Pocus when I got home.� My cousin and I would go trick-or-treating when I was little and a sleepover would usually happen afterwards.� Every year we watched that movie.� In college, I bought it for nostalgic value and put it on when I have other things to do and want something on in the background.� Tonight is one of those nights.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meerman scott

Secretly went out to drink tonight.. Aha Cuz recently discovered this cafe which is only a min walk away from the hostel so today my and I decided to go drink. Such an impromptu decision lor.. Totally unplanned. Anyway, went there like 2 total noobs. Loitered around the club for very long and finally entered. The guy was standing at the entrance like waiting for us for really long.. Hahaha. So we sat down and looked at the menu AGAIN.. Anyway finally ordered my drink which was "Peach Schnapps". Is it a strong drink?? Not sure.. Cuz the guy had this slightly shocked look when I said I wanted that. He probably thought "whatapos;s this noob drinking such a strong drink?" Lol. Donapos;t know... I donapos;t even know if schnapps is strong or not drink la. Anyhow, he asked me if I wanted it to be "on the rocks" and I was like HUH?? whatapos;s on the rocks? Turns out it just means to add ice. Alamak.. Any idiot can tell Iapos;m a noob right still use lingo on me.. -_____-" But the drink was nice la even though it was extremely diluted. Bleahh... Hopefully one day I can befriend an expert who can bring me out and make me an expert of night life.. Donapos;t wanna be a noob in such stuff... Feel like a nerd.. :( Hehh.. No offense meant.. Just wanna be more happening Lol. So on the whole, this was an exciting end to my day today
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american crafts ribbon

If youapos;re going to have a contest for pre-ordering your album, wouldnapos;t it make sense to tell people about it at the same time pre-ordering begins?
but dir en grey is a band that likes to defy logic.

having already pre-ordered, all i had to do was go back to the labelapos;s site and have my order confirmation re-emailed to me (the first having long since been automatically deleted from my trash folder. Thanks yahoo).

thereapos;s all kinds of cool stuff, though... At the very least, your copy of the cd will be signed by the band before itapos;s shipped out.
iapos;m hoping for one of the ones that comes with two free tickets to the show of your choice. Doug knows why. *throws stuff @*

but..ah.. Whatapos;ll i do if i get the vip tickets and meet the band?
....itapos;ll be like when usagi met minako in the live-action sailormoon. Squealing and jumping.

the funny thing about this was at the end of their blog entry.

"No purchase necessary to enter. To enter for your free chance to win please write and mail a 5 page single spaced essay on comparing and contrasting the uroboros symbol in alchemy versus the uroboros depicted in Hindu beliefs to: "

it seems the dozens of "OMFGPRE-ORDER UROBOROS NOW1" graphics arenapos;t doing their job.
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